Our Network

Monitoring partners in 15 countries of production

1514* public sector affiliates in 12 countries, of which 35 are directly affiliated and 1470 are affiliated through a purchasing consortium, network or framework authority.


Improvements in electronics factories employing tens of thousands of workers

Electronics Watch creates a platform of collaboration for networks of public sector buyers and civil society monitoring partners in electronics production regions. Network participants share expertise and information and create opportunities for collaboration to maximise positive impact. Electronics Watch also works toward broad platforms of collaboration with public buyers, civil society, unions and industry to address systemic industry issues.


* We have recently revised how we count and communicate about the number of Electronics Watch affiliates. Previously, Electronics Watch communicated that it had 400+ affiliates. This figure reflected our reticence to equate organisations who affiliate to Electronics Watch and engage with us in different ways. However, this estimation does not reflect our current growth in affiliates and could give the impression that some affiliates are more worthy of being counted than others. Today, those who are counted as affiliates are organisations who are entitled to our services and whom we can represent in the industry engagement process.