Affiliation dues structure

ICT hardware

Individual institutions

Bands A to E apply to individual institutions whose affiliation covers ICT hardware products procured for itself, either on direct contracts and/or calls-offs on framework agreements managed by other institutions.

Band A: Institutions with annual spend of €1 million or less

Affiliation dues represent 0.055% of annual in-scope spend or the minimum rate, whichever is higher. The minimum rate for Band A is €3,150.

Band B: Institutions with annual spend between €1 - €3 million

Affiliation dues represent 0.55% of annual in-scope spend up to €5,500, which is the maximum rate in Band B.

Band C: Institutions with annual spend between €3 - €5 million

Affiliation dues represent 0.15% of annual in-scope spend or the minimum rate, whichever is higher. The minimum rate for Band C is €6,000.

Band D: Institutions with annual spend between €5 - €20 million

Affiliation dues represent 0.105% of annual in-scope spend or the minimum rate, whichever is higher. The minimum rate for Band D is €7,500.

Band E: Institutions with annual spend between €5 - €20 million

Affiliation dues represent 0.105% of annual in-scope spend up to €60,000, which is the maximum rate for Band E.

Note: An additional fee may be applied to institutions in Bands A - E whose affiliation encompasses multiple departments or units, each requiring individual support. This ensures that Electronics Watch can cover the staff time needed to provide effective support. If such a fee is necessary, the appropriate amount will be agreed with the individual institution based on its specific needs.

Framework authorities and purchasing consortia

Band F applies to institutions that provide procurement services and support to other institutions.

Band F: Purchasing consortia and framework authorities

Affiliation dues for Band F are calculated by adding the base rate with supplementary fees corresponding to the number of frameworks covered and the number of organisations or entities entitled to direct service under the agreement, respectively. The base rate represents 0.105% of annual in-scope spend up to €80,000, which is the maximum base rate for Band F. The framework fee is €1,000 per framework agreement. The organisation fee is €2,000 for up to 20 organisations or entities, plus €100 for every additional organisation. There is a minimum dues rate of €6,000 for organisations in band F.


  • Organisation A has annual in-scope spend of €3 million. Its affiliation agreement covers 1 framework and direct service for 12 organisations. Its base fee is €3,150 (0,105% of €3 million). It will pay a framework fee of €1,000 and an organisation fee of €2,000. Its total dues will be €6,150.
  • Organisation B has annual in-scope spend of €20 million. Its affiliation agreement covers 2 frameworks and direct service for 23 organisations. Its base fee is €21,000 (0105% of €20 million). Its framework fee is €2,000 (2 x €1,000). And its organisation fee is €2,300 [€2,000 + (€100 x 3)]. Its total dues will be €25,300.
  • Organisation C has annual in-scope spend of €100 million. Its affiliation agreement covers 4 frameworks. Although hundreds of public institutions use its frameworks, these organisations are not entitled to direct service under its affiliation agreement. It will pay the maximum base rate of €80,000. Its framework fee is €4,000. Its organisation fee is €2,000, since only the organisation itself is entitled to direct service. Its total dues will be €86,000.

Low emission vehicles (LEVs)

Tentatively, the following product types will be considered in-scope in the LEV category. The corresponding EU Classification is listed as a reference in parentheses beside each vehicle type :

  • Passenger cars (M1)
  • Minibuses (M2)
  • Buses (M3)
  • Light commercial vehicles (N1)

Other vehicle types, including but not limited to street sweepers, drones, fire trucks, ambulances, scooters, large waste management vehicles, helicopters, e-bikes and scooters, will not be considered in-scope in 2026. Electronics Watch reserves the right to re-evaluate the products considered in-scope on a rolling basis. At the outset, supply chain monitoring will focus on a subset of the strategic components of the in-scope vehicles. We anticipate that the latter will include battery assembly and manufacturing (including the battery pack, the battery cell, and the battery management system) and semiconductors used in battery management and in the drivetrain. Electronics Watch plans to continue to monitor select mineral supply chains relevant to both LEVs and ICT hardware.

Affiliation dues for LEVs represent the sum of two fees: one based on the size of the fleet(s) covered by the affiliation agreement (a), and one based on the total number of vehicle manufacturers (d). The tables below indicate how to calculate the two fees.