Webinars and workshops 2025

During 2025, we will hold seven 1.5-hour webinars and online workshops for public authorities to help them address modern slavery and human rights risks in their global supply chains.

There will be five sessions on high-risk, high-spend sectors, and two skills-building workshops on evidence, evaluating the quality of information from suppliers to meet their contract criteria and how they can improve it. Attendees will receive practical guidance notes covering the issues, questions to ask suppliers and key contacts with expertise in particular sectors and countries.


All webinars will take place online from 11:00-12:30 CET.

Download the timeline in PDF

Participating public authorities should send the list of attendees with their names and e-mail addresses to Cindy Berman and Haëndila Varela at least one week before each webinar.

Next webinar: The construction industry, 29 January 2025

The Knowledge Building Series is kicking off in January 2025 with a webinar on the construction sector. The building industry is a huge spend area for public bodies, but it is often exploitative and dangerous for workers. What can be done to mitigate these risks?

Learn from an panel of experts sharing information and insights about standards, projects, collaborative initiatives and specific high-risk building materials, and hear examples of what other public buyers are doing. Taking place at 11:00-12:30 CET on January 29, the webinar will provide recommendations for key actions and organisations to contact for support. Following the webinar, you will receive a briefing note with critical information that will help you manage human rights risks in your construction supply chains.

For more information, contact Cindy or Haëndila.

Download full details


Banana industry webinar

The first webinar, a free taster session held on 1 October 2024, focused on the banana industry. Watch it below or read the briefing note for an overview.