Improving Conditions for Migrant Workers in Central Europe

In February 2016, following complaints of breaches of labour standards at a Foxconn factory in Czech Republic, Electronics Watch partners conducted investigations. Electronics Watch has been working with Foxconn, HP and local workers' rights organisations to address issues of job insecurity and unpredictable work.

In late 2016 and early 2017 Electronics Watch worked with MKC Praha, o.p.s. to conduct a full compliance investigation. The research found evidence of improved production planning between the brand and the factory, which has allowed the factory to reduce weekend work. In addition, a minimum income-guarantee for temporary indirect workers, independently of the number of hours they receive in a month, provides some security in the face of unpredictable hours.

Yet, indirect workers also feared job loss and experienced significant layoffs during periods of low demand.  Indirect workers also faced excessive working hours and their payslips still hid basic information about wages and deductions. These and other points were to be addressed through a corrective action plan.  One buyer, HP, has played a significant role in bringing Electronics Watch together with Foxconn to discuss the steps forward.

You can read the compliance reports on Foxconn in Pardubice here.