Advisory Group
Group 1. Public buyers
This block consists of the Electronics Watch affiliates
Group 2: Workers' rights advocates who represent relevant* global or national trade unions, academic institutions or civil society organisations.
Are you up on the latest international and national guidelines and legislative efforts to combat worker rights abuses in global supply chains? Do you do research on the global electronics supply chain? Do you have a background in social auditing or worker interviewing? Tell us how you believe Electronics Watch can best help strengthen worker rights in global supply chains.
- Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation (OSHE Foundation), Bangladesh
- Business, Human Rights & the Environment Research Group, University of Greenwich, UK
- Catapa, Belgium
- Center for Public Health and Environmental Development (CEPHED), Nepal
- China Labor Watch (CLW), USA
- Environics Trust, India
- FEMNET, Kenya
- ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, European Secretariat, Germany
- IndustriALL Global Union
- International Trade Union Confederation, Belgium
- International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), Global
- Pacific Asia Resource Centre (PARC), Japan
- People & Planet, UK
- Public Services International, France
- Responsible Contracting Project, USA
- ROVEST Cluster, Romania
- Scottish Hazards, UK
- SETEM Catalunya
- Swedwatch, Sweden
- SOMO, Netherlands
- Südwind, Austria
- Sweatfree Purchasing Consortium, USA
- The Danish Institute for Human Rights, Denmark
- Transparentem, USA
- WEED, Germany
Individual advisors:
- Rutvica Andrijasevic, University of Bristol, UK
- Mahmood Bhutta, Medical Fair and Ethical Trade Group, UK
- Garrett Brown, Certified Industrial Hygienist, Maquiladora Health & Safety Support Network, USA
- Santiago Cáceres, University of Valladolid, Spain
- Dr Jenny Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
- Nicki Lisa Cole, Technical University, Graz, Austria
- James Cranshaw, Strategic Consultant, UK
- Anibel Ferus Comelo, Labor Center, University of California, USA
- Pau Fonseca, Politecnic University of Catalonia
- David Foust, Independent Labour Rights Expert, Mexico
- Amanda Hawes, Expert on Electronics Industry Accountability for Workplace Toxics
- Dr. Robert Harrison, University of California San Francisco
- Alex Hughes, Newcastle University
- Mamta Khanna, Independent Labour Rights Expert
- Prof. Dr. Boy Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University, China
- Dr. Domyung Paek, Occupational and Environmental Medicine School of Public Health, Seoul National University
- Fahmi Panimbang, Independent Labour Rights Expert
- Glenn Power, Member of Unison & Tower Hamlets Fairtrade Network, UK
- Mike Rogerson, University of Sussex Business School
- Dr. Darius Sivin, Health and Safety Department, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW)
- Ovidiu Slimac, Romanian National Union for Experts in Public Procurement, Romania
- Adrian Smith, Queen Mary University of London, UK
- Robert Stumberg, Harrison Institute for Public Law, Georgetown University Law Center, USA
- Dr. Jayabalan Thambayya, Expert in OSH, Malaysia
- Laura Treviño, SAPIENS Network
- Mei Trueba, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
- Baskut Tuncak, Former Special Rapporteur on human rights and hazardous wastes, USA
- Nicole Vander Meulen, ICAR, USA
- Myrthe Vogel, Researcher in law, Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Group 3: Worker representatives from national or regional trade unions or other worker representative organisations in regions of production of electronics or regions of production of other categories of public expenditure.
If you and your organisation have particular insight into the conditions of electronics workers in your region this group is for you. Tell us about local legal developments, the latest industry trends, effective grievance mechanisms for workers, and more.
- Asian Network for the Rights Of Occupational and Environmental Victims (ANROEV)
- Center for Development and Integration (CDI), Vietnam
- Center for Trade Union and Human Rights (CTUHR), Philippines
- Centre for Social Issues (SPOT), Czechia
- Centro de Investigación y Servicio Popular (CISEP), Bolivia
- Centro de Reflexión y Acción Laboral (CEREAL), Mexico
- China Labour Bulletin (CLB), Hong Kong
- Economic Rights Institute (ERI), Hong Kong
- Ecumenical Institute for Labor Education and Research (EILER), Philippines
- Electronics Industry Employees' Union (EIEU) Northern Region, Malaysia
- Electronics Industry Employees' Union (EIEU) Western Region, Malaysia
- Global Labour Inspectors Network (GLIN), Global
- Good Electronics Network, Netherlands
- Indonesian federation of metalworkers' unions (FSPMI), Indonesia
- Inkrispena, Indonesia
- Institute for Occupational Health and Safety Development (IOHSAD), Philippines
- International Campaign for Responsible Technology (ICRT), USA
- Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU), Philippines
- Labour Rights Foundation (LRF), Thailand
- LION Indonesia
- Metal Workers Alliance of the Philippines (MWAP), Philippines
- Migration Dristi, Nepal
- North South Initiative, Malaysia
- Periféria Policy and Research Center, Hungary
- Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business (PIHRB), Poland
- SAFETY, Indonesia
- Sedane Labour Resource Center (LIPS), Indonesia
- Serve the People Association (SPA), Taiwan
- Southern Africa Resource Watch (SARW), South Africa
- Supporters for the Health And Rights of People in the Semiconductor industry (SHARPS), Korea/Hong Kong
- Tenaganita, Malaysia
- UK Hazards network and European Work Hazards Network
- WISE Network, Philippines
* "Relevant" trade unions are those with significant experience representing workers in extraction, production, transport, or warehousing in industries linked to categories of public expenditure of interest to Electronics Watch. It also includes trade unions with significant experience representing workers in public services. Former trade union representatives who are not currently practicing or those who lack the necessary international experience are not eligible.