2022 May 31

First Report on Impact of Nickel Mining in the Philippines

In 2021, Electronics Watch launched a monitoring pilot of mining operations linked to global electronics supply chains. Since then, Electronics Watch has been working with its monitoring partner, Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC) and their partner, Friends of the Earth Japan (FoE Japan), on nickel mining in the Philippines. Rio Tuba nickel mine on the island of Palawan in the Philippines is a source of nickel for prominent electric vehicle manufacturers and battery suppliers. Large scale mining of nickel has caused severe human rights and environmental impacts in the Philippines. Read the full report.

The report warns that unless corrective actions are taken, hexavalent chromium pollution levels on Palawan will continue to exceed WHO safe water standards. Electronics Watch seeks to protect the rights of the miners and the communities. Mining companies should comply with national regulations and international standards put in place to give rights-holders the power to protect their livelihoods and environment. This project is co-funded by HEKS (formerly Bread for all).

Videos on mining in Palawan:

A Cry from Palawan – The Environmental and Social Cost of Energy Transition

What is at Stake Behind the Energy Transition? – The Real Cost of Nickel Mining in the Philippines