How to affiliate
Can Electronics Watch help your organisation achieve your goals for socially responsible public procurement?
Affiliating to Electronics Watch is easy:
- Measure the volume of your annual procurement of ICT hardware in these categories.
- Request an affiliation offer.
- Sign the offer. You are now affiliated.
Your commitment
As an affiliate, you pay annual affiliations dues to Electronics Watch based on your annual purchasing volume of electronics products and take the following steps:
- As soon as contractually feasible, incorporate the Electronics Watch Contract Conditions, or equivalent clauses, in ICT hardware contracts.
- Appoint a liaison to serve as the primary point of contact with Electronics Watch.
- Provide Electronics Watch with a list of ICT hardware products purchased, and, if available, the factories that make those products.
Contact Electronics Watch to discuss affiliation. We will be glad to develop an affiliations offer tailored to your needs.
See list of current affiliates.