

Electronics Watch's mission is to use public procurement leverage to promote and protect the rights of workers in global supply chains.

Public buyers exercising social responsibility

Civil society organisations and democratic trade unions supporting workers in attaining their rights

Employers complying fully with domestic and international labour rights and safety standards

Brand companies and resellers disclosing suppliers and compliance data and taking effective action to remedy labour rights and safety breaches in their supply chains


Korean union
2024 Sep 25

Electronics Watch builds links with Korean trade unions

One of Electronics Watch's strategic goals is for workers to exercise their right to organise and access remedy. Affiliated public buyers use their leverage to promote freedom of association and collective bargaining in their supply chains. This includes enabling access for trade unions to organise and represent workers collectively, and address union busting.

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  1. Gain unparalleled capacity to follow up on contractual demands for compliance with labour and safety standards in your electronics supply chains through an on-the-ground monitoring network now spanning major electronics production regions worldwide.
  2. Become part of a growing network of public buyers (see list of current affiliates) with growing purchasing power and the strength to make a real difference for workers.
  3. Get support, advice, templates and toolkits to help frontline procurement staff.

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