Affiliate profiles

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  • City of Copenhagen_Emil + Ida

    City of Copenhagen

    July 2024

    Get to know our affiliate, the City of Copenhagen, and their approach to responsible procurement. They talk about following up labour clauses, national and international site visits, aspirations to support workers to organise and include trade unions in remedy, and more!

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  • Flemish Agency Cover 2

    Flemish Agency for Facility Operations

    May 2024

    We talk to three team members at the Flemish Agency for Facility Operations (Het Facilitair Bedrijf) in the latest installment in our "Meet our Affiliates" series. Find out more about their socially responsible public procurement goals, how affiliation to Electronics Watch is helping to meet those goals, as well as looking as some of their challenges and achievements along the way.

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  • Gemma Freedman UNISON meet the affiliates


    February 2024

    In the second installment in Electronics Watch's "Meet our Affiliates" series, we showcase another of our 1,500 affiliates and shine a light on the key people implementing responsible procurement.

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  • ACM

    Catalan Association of Municipalities (ACM)

    November 2023

    Electronics Watch is launching a new series called "Meet our Affiliates". The series will showcase some of our 1,500 affiliates and shine a light on the key people implementing responsible procurement within them. Today we publish the first of these profiles.

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