Collaboration at the heart of our impact: Annual Report 2023
The Electronics Watch Annual Report 2023 reflects on a year where collaboration has allowed us to increase our impact for workers in global supply chains. It has laid the groundwork for more mature industry dialogue and more coordinated and strategic activities that to use public buyer leverage to promote and protect workers' rights.
The Annual Report highlights three overarching themes from our work in 2023:
Remedy in focus: putting affected workers at the heart of the remediation process
In 2023, Electronics Watch developed the Principles for Worker-Driven Remedy in consultation with trade unions, labour rights organisations, and public buyers. In these 10 principles, we propose removal of barriers to worker participation and meaningful engagement of stakeholders, and transparent, timely and urgent action with workers at the core.
Acting as one: major developments in collaboration at Electronics Watch
2023 saw affiliate working groups unite around common challenges; regular dialogue with trade unions in production regions; and huge gains in supply chain transparency, thanks to public buyers acting as one. Speaking with one voice is critical to promoting change in the market and to securing improved outcomes for workers.
Towards a paradigm shift: from company-controlled due diligence to worker-driven due diligence
These were key steps towards a worker-centered model for human rights due diligence, where workers' rights, needs and perspectives are paramount. Our Strategic Plan 2024-28 sets out how we will take this work forward over the next five years.
Read the full Annual Report below or view online here.