2024 July 24

Electronics Watch launches human rights due diligence maturity matrix

A new tool helps affiliated public buyers to assess the maturity of their current practices, identify gaps and drive incremental improvement

Public authorities are increasingly expected to implement human rights due diligence (HRDD) in their own operations and supply chains, or to promote it in the market. However, there are few practical tools available to support them in doing so.

Electronics Watch's new HRDD Maturity Matrix offers this practical support to affiliates. It is a self-assessment tool that generates a rating for each practice area.

The HRDD Maturity Matrix helps public authorities to assess the maturity of their current HRDD practices and provides an overview of what different levels of maturity look like within discrete practice areas. Recognising the diversity of public organisations, it supports users to identify gaps, efficiently allocate resources and prioritise opportunities for improvement with the aim of incremental advancement to higher maturity levels.

Electronics Watch has developed the HRDD Maturity Matrix inspired by a tool developed by Daria Toschi and Griffith University, Australia, to assess the maturity of practices aimed at combatting modern slavery. We are grateful to them for allowing us to adapt it. We would also like to thank Boris Verbrugge (KU Leuven), Cristian Martin (LSE), Amy Ledger and Ricarda MacDonald (APUC), Margaret Shapiro (LUPC) and Felippe Vilaca for their valuable feedback and support during the development of the tool.

A webinar will be held in September to introduce affiliates to this tool. Affiliates can access the tool here.