Operational Outcomes of the Contract Conditions (v. 2.1)

The 10 operational outcomes promote supply chain transparency, industry cooperation with independent monitors, protection of whistle blowers, and remediation of labour rights and health and safety breaches.

Outcome Due diligence
(contractor must present evidence of due diligence if outcome is not achieved)
Supply Chain Transparency

After contract has been signed:

Names and physical addresses of Factories where product models (subject matter of contract) are produced

Formal request* of direct or indirect Supplier

Names and physical addresses of Factories where main components (defined by risk and value) of product models are made

Formal request of direct or indirect Supplier

Compliance findings in summary or in full

Formal request of direct or indirect Supplier

Upon evidence of breach of Code:

Compliance findings in full for relevant Factories

Formal request of direct or indirect Supplier

Inventory of chemicals used and stored and related health and safety and environmental impact monitoring reports in Factories where there is evidence of health and safety breaches

Formal request of direct or indirect Supplier

Report on trading conditions that may adversely affect code compliance in relevant factories

Formal request of direct or indirect Supplier

Cooperation with Monitors and Protection of Whistleblowers

Upon evidence of breach of Code:

Factory access for Electronics Watch monitors

Formal request of direct or indirect supplier for Factory access

No retaliation against Employees who speak with Electronics Watch Monitors or otherwise raise concerns about conditions at work, and compliance with all applicable whistleblowing laws, statutes and regulations

Formal request of direct or indirect supplier to arrange for meeting between Electronics Watch Monitors and Factory management


Detailed evidence, in writing, of remediation of breach and effective action to mitigate risk and prevent recurrence of breach

Formal communication of findings of breach to direct or indirect Supplier with request for evidence of remediation or corrective action plan

Report on living wage strategy

Formal request of direct or indirect supplier for living wage strategy


*In general, formal requests should include specific mention of the contractual requirement and be signed by a senior level manager. The Contractor should, if possible, direct its request to Suppliers further up the supply chain if it determines such requests will be more effective. The Contractor should also take such follow-up actions it determines to be necessary and feasible to achieve the outcome. The Contractor should provide evidence of each request and communicate the Supplier's response or lack of response to the Affiliate and Electronics Watch.