2020 December 16

New EU Ecolabel for Electronic Displays Introduced

On the 30th of November, at the first day of the Electronics Watch OHS Summit, Candela Vidal-Abarca Garrido of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission introduced the brand new EU Ecolabel for electronic displays. Established in 1992, the EU Ecolabel promotes products and services with a lower environmental impact throughout their life cycle.  The new Ecolabel blends environmental and social criteria with a strong verification process.

The new Ecolabel includes a broader scope than the previous label, and covers Electronics Displays in general--televisions, monitors and signage displays. The new criteria also go beyond the existing requirements, especially on substance restrictions and social aspects. It restricts the use of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) in final products and defined articles to a maximum of 0,1%. It also requires third party verification of compliance with the fundamental ILO conventions, and conventions on occupational health and safety, working hours, and remuneration. Notably, remuneration includes a living wage requirement.

The audit process must include consultation with external industry-independent organisation stakeholders in local areas around sites, and the audit report must show findings in detail including the nature and level of evidence for the findings as well as the names of stakeholders consulted and the issues discussed.