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Press contact: Harriet Edwards

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C-19 front page
2020 Jun 17

New assessment tool ‘Human Rights Due Diligence and Covid-19'

Electronics Watch has just released the new assessment tool 'Human Rights Due Diligence and Covid-19 - Assessment of Public Buyers' ICT Supply Chains'. It supports public buyers in their efforts to ensure human rights due diligence in their supply chains in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The tool consists of questions public buyers can pose to their suppliers about occupational health and safety, labour rights, and other supply chain issues that Covid-19 impact. Public buyers can use the tool as a self-assessment questionnaire for suppliers and/or a guidance for human rights due diligence.

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2020 Jun 15

Company Performance Tracker Measures Industry Engagement

Electronics Watch has released a new tool that will allow affiliates to track the performance of companies in their supply chains. Developed with critical input from affiliates, the Company Performance Tracker (CPT) evaluates company performance of their contractual obligations to protect the rights of workers in electronics supply chains. The tool also takes into account comments from industry representatives.

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Credit: IndustriALL
2020 May 27

Deadly Gas Leak at LG Polymers Reveals Occupational Health and Safety Failures

On May 7, 2020, toxic Styrene gas leaked from the LG Polymers Chemical plant, a unit of South Korean LG Chem, near Visakhapatnam in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, India. The gas leak has killed 12 persons and sickened more than 1,000 people and has been covered widely in the media in India and globally as a tragedy reminiscent of the Bhopal gas tragedy 36 years ago. Electronics Watch and Cividep, our monitoring partner in India, support the calls of the local community and others for full remediation for the victims, and for a thorough investigation by the relevant authorities to discover and publish the causes of this tragedy.

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2020 May 12

Compensation without remedy: why 30 reimbursed migrant workers are still exploited

Our recent publication "When Compliance is Not Enough - Why victims of forced labour should be partners in the remediation design" shows just why it is essential that workers are involved in the process of remediation, and raises a fundamental question about the limits of responsible business conduct: When companies address violations in their supply chains in accordance with their codes of conduct, but workers still suffer serious harm, does human rights due diligence require the companies to do more? Listen also to the recorded statement from a former worker at Possehl.

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2020 Mar 11

OSCE, first international organisation to affiliate to Electronics Watch

Electronics Watch is delighted to welcome four new affiliates, one of which is the first international organisation to affiliate - the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Julia Rutz, Senior Adviser with the OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings said: "This is an important step, that the OSCE as a promotor of policies on prevention of human trafficking in public sector supply chains also took the strategic decision to ensure that its own supply chains and procurement practices do not contribute to human trafficking."

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Empty factory
2020 Mar 2

Protecting Chinese workers’ rights during the 2020 epidemic - guidance for public buyers

The new, flu-like virus first observed in China is now a worldwide epidemic with serious consequences and risks for workers' rights. The epidemic's effects will extend well beyond the risk of people becoming ill. Limits on people's mobility will obstruct their return to work, resulting in a loss of income for everyone involved. People will struggle with the restrictive environment of monitoring and quarantining. Electronics Watch and the Economic Rights Institute have released guidance for public buyers to help protect the rights of workers in their supply chains affected by the epidemic.

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MWRN training in Myanmar for migrant workers bound for Thailand
2020 Feb 28

Largest settlement of migrant worker recruitment fees in any one company - how did we get there?

Cal-Comp Thailand, supplier of printers, external hard disk drives and other computer peripherals, was in the limelight recently after 10,570 migrant factory workers in two facilities received full compensation for excessive recruitment fees they had paid. What happened in this case? What lessons does it offer about remediating debt bondage and forced labour in global supply chains? What remains to be done? Read Cal-Comp: A Lesson in the Importance of Worker-Driven Monitoring to End Forced Labour in Global Supply Chains.

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2019 Dec 5

The Government of Catalonia and Metropolitan Transport of Barcelona affiliate to Electronics Watch at the Annual Conference of Electronics Watch 2019 in Barcelona

At the inauguration of the Electronics Watch Annual Conference 2019, hosted this year at the Center of Contemporary Culture in Barcelona, La Generalitat (Government of Catalonia) announced its affiliation to Electronics Watch. Later in the event, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB), the main public transport operator in the Barcelona metropolitan area, also formalized their affiliation to Electronics Watch.

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